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Our Firm

Firm's background and service philosophy

Silvagnoli CPA Group was founded in 2007 by CPA Mario R. Silvagnoli. The firm has become one of the full service firms of Certified Public Accounts and Consultants in the southern part of Puerto Rico.

A dynamic work force of our professionals provide clients a full range of services such as audit, tax, consulting, online accounting and other specialized services. We compete with all major international and local public accounting firms in terms of growth, leadership and value for your money.

We believe in the concept of "working partners" that will guarantee that, regardless of your company's size, our work will be carry out under the direct and personal supervision of one of our Partners.

The cornerstone of our Firm philosophy is that our service to each client will be based on a thorough knowledge of its business and the industry in which operates. The success of this philosophy is measured by client satisfaction and referral.

Our website offers both a strong resource for current tax and accounting information, as well as the host for an array of Internet-based client services.

In order to better serve our clients, we are introducing our Client Bookkeeping Solutions (CBS) services. CBS is software that will provide with the functionality required to perform many of the day-to-day financial responsibilities and streamline the bookkeeping tasks.

Quality control and assurance

Commitment to the professional standards of independence, competence, objectivity and care starts with employing professionals with a high level of technical know-how and fully understanding their professional responsibilities. Silvagnoli CPA Group maintains an outstanding professional continued education program that builds and maintains technical capabilities in our staff.

To further advance our commitment to Quality, we participate in the Peer Review Program sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.